- FastiOnline (to Maia)
- Google Ancient Places (to both Maia and Electra)
thoughts and comments across the boundaries of computing, ancient history, epigraphy and geography ... oh, and barbeque, coffee and rockets
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Changes to the Atlantides Feed Aggregators
Friday, December 3, 2010
Changes to Electra and Maia Atlantis
This morning I've added the following blogs to the Electra Atlantis feed aggregator:
Thanks to Adam Brin at Digital Antiquity for alerting me to their existence.
I have updated feed addresses in Electra for the following blogs, which have changed recently:
- Eric Sowell's Coding Humanist
I have also removed the following blogs for the reasons indicated:
- Tom Goskar's Past Thinking blog as the feed URL is returning no data even though the site itself appears to be up
- The feed URL for the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln) is returning an error 500
- The Abzu feed URL is returning 404
- Sheila Brennan's Relaxing on the Trail has had its permissions reset so that it is no longer accessible.
- Notis Toufexis' blog seems to have disappeared.
I have added the following blogs to the Maia Atlantis feed aggregator:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Flavia Faustina, version 3: chi-rho, dolium, multiple editors, rationale
Ryan forked my Mob Epigraphy repository on github and added markup to the EpiDoc XML file to represent the Chi-Rho and dolium(?) that appear below the inscribed text. Then he sent me a pull request. I merged his changes and pushed them back to github, and then I pushed a few more modifications to show his contribution in the EpiDoc/TEI header and to modify the stylesheets to handle whitespace and multiple editors better (and to write out an HTML doctype). Here's the result:
- Is the second illustration really a dolium? It doesn't look that much like what's illustrated at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolium. Why would a dolium appear on a Christian sepulchral inscription? Maybe someone like Sebastian Heath or Charlotte Tupman will have an idea about that.
- Are those two items really glyphs that should be "read" as part of the inscription and therefore marked up using the TEI "g" element (as Ryan has done), or should they be treated as figures or illustrations and therefore marked up a different way? If they are "glyphs", then what would be the corresponding glyph definition markup (if any) and where should it go in an EpiDoc file? Maybe someone like Gabriel Bodard or Marion Lamé will have an opinion about that.
I like version 2. For one, I could see it and read it without any problems; something I could not do with version 1. I like the idea of being able to see pictures, texts, and translations of inscriptions on a single page. My question is: what are you trying to do here? What's the purpose, goal, etc. of Mob Epigraphy? And how can others help, contribute, etc.?
How to contribute? There are many ways. This post highlights two examples. Ryan saw something missing and, exploiting the digital collaboration infrastructure provided by github, pitched in to fill the gap. Georgia had comments and questions and, after having some trouble with Blogger's comment functionality, sent me an email. Both are great ways to contribute, and I bet readers of this post can come up with more -- like suggesting answers to my questions above, or proposing more robust or interesting documentation of the inscription or elaboration of the encoding or HTML representation.
Previous post.
Flavia Faustina, version 2: style
Not much substantive change, just style and inline image:
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mob Epigraphy: Sepulchral Inscription of Flavia Faustina
Here's the deal: what follows is surely incomplete, or even wrong, from any number of perspectives (textual, historical, technical?). So, if you have ideas or expertise with respect to the text, translation, descriptive information, EpiDoc/TEI encoding of the XML, HTML encoding, etc.), then please weigh in via comment or another blog post (just make sure I discover it somehow!).
What do you think would make this a better digital publication?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
National Adoption Month
Giving a child a strong foundation -- a home, a family to love, and a safe place to grow -- is one of life's greatest and most generous gifts. Through adoption, both domestic and international, Americans from across our country have provided secure environments for children who need them, and these families have benefited from the joy an adopted child can bring. Thanks to their nurturing and care, more young people have been able to realize their potential and lead full, happy lives. This year, we celebrate National Adoption Month to recognize adoption as a positive and powerful force in countless American lives, and to encourage the adoption of children from foster care. (President Barack Obama, Presidential Proclamation: National Adoption Month, 1 November 2010).There is also a blog post and video from the Secretary of State.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Changes to Maia Atlantis
Friday, October 22, 2010
One User's Experience with Pleiades
I assume my comment is in queue for moderation. Since I think it (and Heathre's report) are of potential interest to the Pleiades community, I'm re-posting my comments here:
Hi Heathre:
Thanks for giving us your perspective as a new user of Pleiades. It's really helpful to hear how people are trying to use this emerging resource and to see where they run into trouble.
The delay in signing you up initially is an occasional consequence of the fact that our signup procedure is manual and occasionally the editors are unavailable while on travel or the like. I apologize if it put you in a difficult situation time-wise.
We currently have funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support software and content development through April 2013, but editorial work is all volunteer.
We're not finished loading up all the legacy content from the Barrington Atlas. You can read more about the state of that process here: http://pleiades.stoa.org/Members/sgillies/news-items/data-import-round-1 with maps here: http://pleiades.stoa.org/Members/sgillies/figures-import-round-1 .
Since you last looked at the site, Sean has rolled out some improvements to the individual maps. They now show you nearby places as well. See further: http://pleiades.stoa.org/Members/sgillies/news-items/map-of-a-places-neighborhood .
The squares you see on the maps for many places correspond to the grid squares on the Barrington Atlas maps from which they derive. We are currently working with colleagues at Harvard, who have digitized the exact coordinates from the Barrington compilation materials and improved their precision by visually checking them in Google Earth. We anticipate these coordinates will be added to Pleiades by mid-2011, replacing the squares that frustrated you. We'll also have reciprocal links to the Harvard project's online system, the Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization: http://darmc.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do
"Phokaia" is a transliteration of the ancient Greek, whereas "Phocaea" is the Latin version, used by the Romans and subsequently in the west during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. I'm glad Pleiades was able to help you sort this out, despite the fact that our resources do not yet comprehensively list all the variants for every site. This is something we're encouraging our users to help flesh out.
Please let us know if you have further observations or suggestions (or complaints) about the site.
Best wishes,
Updates to Maia Atlantis
- Ancient Georgia
- Ancient World Open Bibliographies
- Digital Papyrology
- eClassics Everyone's Blog Posts - eLatin eGreek eLearn (past problems with comment spam seem to have abated)
- eClassics Forum (past problems with comment spam seem to have abated)
- Egyptian Monuments
- Insula: Le blog de la Bibliothèque des Sciences de l'Antiquité (Lille 3)
- Minoan Language Blog
- Ancient Mediterranean Musings (author has taken the blog private)
- Ars Nesciendi (blog not found; presumed deleted)
- Charles Watkinson's Blog (feed gone)
- Dacian Archaeology (author has taken the blog private)
- Iconoclasm (site reports error; will try again in 1 month)
- Idle Musings of a Bookseller (content has been orthogonal to the focus of the aggregator for several months)
- Japanese Archaeology (blog not found; presumed deleted)
- Logos Bible Software Blog (feed is future-dating posts; will check again in 1 month)
- Thoughts on Antiquity (domain no longer registered)
- Novum Testamentum Blog (domain no longer registered)
- Numismatics and Archaeology (author has taken the blog private)
- The Oresteia Project (blog not found; presumed deleted)
- Scarring the Past (author has taken the blog private)
- Scribal Practices (blog not found; presumed deleted)
- Transport Archaeology (blog deleted by author)
- A Way Through The Hills (blog deleted by author)
- What's New in Abzu (feed access has apparently been blocked for the aggregator: 403 forbidden)
Updates to Electra Atlantis
- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
- Ancient World Open Bibliographies
- Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative
- Digital Humanities 2011
- Digital Papyrology
- eClassics Forum (past problems with comment spam seem to have abated)
- Pleiades Project News
- ITSEE News (feed returned 404; will check again in 1 month)
- Logos Bible Software Blog (feed is future-dating posts; will check again in 1 month)
New Blog: Digital Papyrology
Thursday, July 29, 2010
EpiDoc Tools Released "as is"
- Guidelines
- P5 Conversion Tools
- Transcoder
- Example P5 XSLTs
- Example P4 XSLTs (deprecated; last/final release)
- DTD (deprecated; last/final release)
- Schema
- CHETC JavaScript
Some of these packages are out-of-date or not feature-complete (e.g., especially the guidelines). We'll want to marshal volunteers in coming weeks and months to work on these discrepancies. There is in fact, already a group working hard on the guidelines. If you're not part of that group and would like to be, please shout out about it on the markup list.
My hearty thanks to Gabriel Bodard, Hugh Cayless and Charlotte Tupman, who assisted in today's sprint, and to Marion Lame, who also volunteered but could not be available during the time that I had scheduled.
Our next big step is to update http://epidoc.sourceforge.net/resources.shtml so that it properly reports on the state of each tool and links directly to the appropriate release. I'll be issuing a call for volunteers for that follow-up sprint shortly.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Linking to Google Books Content in an Ancient Geographic Way
I'm very interested in finding ways through Pleiades and other ISAW digital projects to support the efforts of Leif, Elton and Eric on the "Google Ancient Places (GAP): Discovering historic geographical entities in the Google Books corpus" project. In particular, I'd hope we can integrate this into the web interfaces for our projects:
ECS will work on a Web Service and Web Widget [that] will make it possible for Webmasters to add links to the ancient texts [in Google Books] within their websites, enabling the public and researchers to search for them easily.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
"Classics Librarian" Blog (Phoebe Acheson) added to Maia Atlantis
I was pleased to discover Phoebe Acheson's blog Classics Librarian via a twitter follow. Herein the University of Georgia Library's liaison to the Department of Classics there writes about such topics as resources for the study of Roman topography and tutorials for Dyabola (the bibliographic database of the German Archaeological Institute), while making the occasional alllusion to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
New Pleiades Screencast: Add a New Place Manually
I've just posted a new screencast that, in less than 5 minutes, shows you had to draft a new, rudimentary place resource in Pleiades without recourse to Google Earth or other external tools. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Added Blogging Pompeii to Maia Atlantis
I don't know how it's possible that I've been unaware of the Blogging Pompeii blog all this time. Thanks to a post on the ever-vigilant David Meadows' Rogue Classicism blog, my cluelessness has been rectified. And of course I've added Blogging Pompeii's feed to the Maia Atlantis aggregator.
Monday, July 19, 2010
News blogs added to Maia and Electra Atlantis
The Homer Multitext blog and the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins blog have both been added to the Maia Atlantis aggregator. I've also added the Homer Multitext blog to the Electra Atlantis aggregator.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Planet Taygete update
I just learned, thanks to a blog post at the old blog, that the website and blog for the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon has moved but not put any standard redirects in place at the old blog or feed. I've updated the subscription list for Taygete Atlantis to point at the new source, where I see there are a large number of posts (since early June) that I had missed.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Featured Pleiades Content: Strophades/Plotai Inss. and the "Pont Julien"
Transliterating Greek (and Latin)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New blog added to Taygete Atlantis
Monday, June 28, 2010
News blogs added to Maia Atlantis
ISAW has a news blog
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ramping up Pleiades 2
New blog added to Electra Atlantis
- Christopher W. Blackwell, Eumaeus - The Noble Swineherd
Thursday, April 8, 2010
ISAW New Faculty Appointment: Sören Stark
The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University is pleased to announce the appointment of Sören Stark as Assistant Professor of Central Asian Art and Archaeology.
Professor Stark studied Oriental Archaeology and Art History, Ancient History, and European Art History at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. He received his doctorate in 2005 with a study on the archaeology and history of the pre-Muslim Turks in Central and Inner Asia, which was published in 2008 as Die Alttürkenzeit in Mittel- und Zentralasien. Archaeologische und historische Studien (Nomaden und Sesshafte 6).
From 2005 to 2008 he led archaeological surveys and excavations in Northern Tajikistan. Before joining the faculty of ISAW he was a Junior Fellow at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI and teaching at the Freie Universität in Berlin.
His research ranges chronologically from the Iron Age up to the pre-Mongol Middle Ages and deals with various aspects of archaeology, art history, and history in Central and Inner Asia as well as in neighboring cultural areas. His main focus lies on the political and cultural interrelations between pastoral nomads in these areas and their sedentary neighbors. Currently, he is preparing a book on territorial fortifications in Western Central Asia. He is also co-editor of a Handbook of Central Asian Archaeology and Art which is presently under preparation at Oxford University Press.
Professor Stark will begin teaching seminars at ISAW in the fall. Please join us in welcoming him to our community.
Professor Stark's faculty profile is at http://www.nyu.edu/isaw/faculty.htm#stark
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New "ancient" blogs added to Planet Atlantides
- Electra Atlantis: David Bamman (Chatterist)
- Maia Atlantis: Andie Byrnes (The Archaeology of Egypt's Deserts)
- Taygete Atlantis: iMalqata
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Josh Greenberg on the Mellon/UVA "Shape of Things to Come" conference
The general perception of the academic humanities as far removed from the daily lives of the general public that is only heightened by isolationist jargon and publishing mechanisms that create rather than break down silos represents a massive failure to make the case for the value of that work to society ...Epistemographer | Notes from “The Shape of Things to Come”
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
NEH Awards Grant for Pleiades Project
Our sincere thanks to NEH, the anonymous reviewers of our application, and to all those in our user community who have helped us reach this important milestone!
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this blog do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Early Christianity in the Western Desert of Egypt: New Evidence from the 2006-2008 Excavations at Ain el-Gedida, Dakhla Oasis
Speaker: Nicola Aravecchia
Location: 2nd Floor Lecture Room
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
15 E 84th Street, New York, NY 10028
Date: Tuesday, March 2
Time: 6:00 p.m.
*reception to follow
Early Christianity in the Western Desert of Egypt: New Evidence from the 2006-2008 Excavations at Ain el-Gedida, Dakhla Oasis
The last few decades have witnessed a resurging interest in Early Christianity in Egypt, accompanied by a deeper awareness of the value and significance of Christian Egypt’s architectural and artistic heritage. ...
Click here for permalink and full description
Monday, February 8, 2010
Flutes, Wine and Astronomy: Shamans in Early East Asia?
Flutes, Wine and Astronomy: Shamans in Early East Asia?
Dr. Sarah Milledge Nelson, University of Denver
12:45 p.m.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wilson Hall 168
University of Alabama in Huntsville
- UAHuntsville Global Studies
- Archaeological Institute of America
Korea and the Silk Road
Korea and the Silk Road
Dr. Sarah Milledge Nelson, University of Denver
7:30 p.m. Thursday, February 11, 2010
Chan Auditorium
University of Alabama In Huntsville
Sponsored by:
- UAHuntsville Global Studies
- Archaeological Institute of America
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lecture: Deconstructing the Myth of the Great Mother Goddess
February 11: Exhibition Lecture
Speaker: Peter Biehl
Location: 2nd Floor Lecture Hall
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
15 E 84th St.
New York, NY 10028
Date: Thursday, February 11
Time: 6:00 p.m.
*reception to follow
Deconstructing the Myth of the Great Mother Goddess: Masking and Breaking the Human Body in Old Europe
Dr. Biehl will provide an overview of how the people of Old Europe represented the human body in the form of anthropomorphic figurines made of clay, bone and marble in the 6th and 5th millennium BC and discuss how studying visual representations of the human body can aid us in understanding identity and personhood in the past. One of the main ...
Click here for permalink and full description
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Temple Treasury Records and Local Politics in Ur III Mesopotamia
Speaker: Xiaoli Ouyang
Location: 2nd Floor Lecture Room
Date: Tuesday, February 16
Time: 6:00 p.m.
*reception to follow
Temple Treasury Records and Local Politics in Ur III Mesopotamia
This lecture targets a group of Umma texts dated to the Ur III dynasty (c. 2112-2004 BCE), probably the best documented period in Mesopotamian history. Umma is the province with the largest number of texts, accounting for almost one third of the 90,000 or so records from this period. This group of texts documents the delivery of ...
Click here for permalink and full description
Friday, January 29, 2010
A new Concordia term: "where" (needed for linking papyri to Pleiades resources)
In the long term, we'd like to link not only to descriptive resources (at Pleiades or elsewhere) for their modern places of finding but also any ancient places attested in the texts themselves (having done named-entity analysis on all 50,000+ documents, the first steps in which are now underway by Mark Depauw and the Trismegistos team in Leiden).
In the near term, we can express geographic linkages on the basis of the nome attributions recorded for the papyri by the editors of the Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens whose records are incorporated into the papyri.info contents.
But none of the terms we had previously defined in our Concordia link-type thesaurus precisely fit this information. We did have several geographic terms (findSpot, origin, observedAt and attestsTo), but we needed to add a more generic one: "where". The nomes as indicated by HGV are geographical classifications, based on the ancient regions, made primarily for facilitating reference and review by modern scholars. They don't necessarily constitute "find spot" or "place of origin" in every case. This "where" term idea followed naturally from Sean's earlier efforts to advocate for a "where" link relation type. A link in a feed entry using this term will simply indicate that the described resource should be treated as being located, in a general way, at the place described by the linked resource.
Hopefully, this term will be useful not only for papyri.info, but also for other pre-existing datasets where the location information recorded about ancient artifacts is similarly less precise than the born-digital epigraphic corpora that guided the minting of our initial thesaurus terms. Hopefully it will also prove useful in contexts such as those that Sebastian has recently been blogging about.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
ISAW Exhibitions Musical Performance: Christine & Dinu Ghezzo and Friends
Date: Friday, January 22 2010
Time: 7:00 p.m.
This special concert will highlight folk and traditional songs from different parts of Romania. Some of the musical traditions included are Colinde (Winter Songs/Carols) , Bocete (Death Laments), Doina (Lyrical Songs) and Wedding Songs. Each song will be presented with sensitivity to traditional methods of interpretation, while bringing in new elements such as sound samples of folk instruments and improvisation by the musicians. The music will express a full spectrum of universal human emotion and experience, while sharing the rich repertoire of Romanian traditional music. Each song will be introduced with a brief description and translation of the words, and time will be set aside for audience questions.
This event is associated with the Lost World of Old Europe exhibition, currently showing at ISAW.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
ISAW Lecture: The Late Copper Age in the East Balkans and the Case of Varna
The Late Copper Age in the East Balkans and the Case of Varna
Speaker: Vladimir Slavchev
Location: 2nd Floor Lecture Room
Date: Thursday, January 21 2010
Time: 6:00 p.m.
*reception to followThe Varna Necropolis, a cemetery that lies in the western industrial zone of Varna, Bulgaria, is one of the premiere archaeological sites in the world for the research of world pre-history. The massive interest in this cemetery is due to the abundance and variety of objects recovered from its graves, namely gold artifacts. Dr. Slavchev will discuss these grave goods (and the necropolis from which they came) in relation to Varna culture as a whole. The presence of artifacts in a wide range of materials at the cemetery, one of the burial sites of the highly-developed local community that inhabited the shore of Varna Bay at the time, suggests that the community was part of a developed network of medium and long range trading, transport and distribution of prestige items. Dr. Slavchev will argue that the local manufacturing of goods was predominantly aimed at the local community and its needs. Therefore, such prestige items could have functioned as gifts for exchange with neighboring cultures or as goods to be sold in the trading network.
This lecture is associated with the Lost World of Old Europe exhibition, currently showing at ISAW.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Living in the Heights: Hilltop settlement and the changing landscape of northern Hispania during late antiquity
Speaker: Damián Fernández
Location: 2nd Floor Lecture Room
Date: Tuesday, January 19 2010
Time: 6:00 p.m.
*reception to followHilltop settlement was one of the most prominent characteristics in the landscape of the northern Iberian Peninsula until the Roman conquest. With the establishment of Roman rule in the decades around the turn of the era, several of the pre-Roman hilltop forts were abandoned in favor of a developed network of lowland cities that became the backbone of the regional settlement hierarchy. This process was somewhat reversed after the late-third century CE, when archaeologists have dated the beginning of the occupation of hilltops (and, sometimes, the re-occupation of Iron Age sites). The ‘movement towards the highlands’ has traditionally been interpreted either as reemergence of indigenous social structures that had survived the Roman conquest or as the result of the insecurity provoked by the presence of barbarian armies in the third and fifth centuries.
In the last two decades, piecemeal archaeological research in the northern Iberian Peninsula has begun to provide us with new information about these sites. Their material culture and the more accurate chronology indicate that traditional interpretations about the phenomenon of hilltop occupation are no longer valid. After reviewing some paradigmatic sites, this lecture will offer an alternative model to understanding the change in settlement patterns. It will be argued that occupation of hilltops must be understood in the context of the administrative reforms of the late Roman Empire and the economic changes that occurred in northern Iberia during late antiquity.