- GIS for Archaeology and CRM (formerly at http://www.gisarch.com; domain now up for sale)
- ABZU Recent Additions (feed returns 404)
- epea pteroenta (feed and site perpeturally return 500)
- Internet Archaeology (feed content is invalid; site sports a notice saying a server upgrade is impending)
- Portable Antiquities Scheme Blog (feed returns 404)
- Art and Social Identities in Late Antiquity (University of Aarhus) (site and feed are gone)
- ArcLand News (feed returns 404; site sports a notice saying a server upgrade is impending)
- Jonathan Eaton (Imperium Sine Fine) (feed returns 404; blogger site says "feed has been removed")
I have also updated a number of feed that had moved, including some of which that did not provide redirects and had to be sought out manually.