Friday, January 21, 2011

Adopt a place for Valentine's day

Pleiades places are looking for love and this year you can give it to them (it never hurts to get ready for Valentine's Day early). It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Here are some examples of things you could do (many of them quickly) to enhance the content in Pleiades:
Here are some ways you could use links to Pleiades to enrich content elsewhere on the web
Feel free to suggest other ways (with links to examples, where appropriate) in the comments.

How to get started

Are you a registered Pleiades user? If not, please visit the Pleiades Community page and follow the instructions there.

If you are a registered Pleiades user and you want to make a modification to a place resource (improved on 24 January):
  • log in
  • use the search box to find the place resource you're interested in changing
  • select "actions" ... "check out" (this will create a working copy for you)
  • select the "edit" tab
  • make and save your changes as many times as you like (you're working on a private copy of the original that only you can see)
  • once you're happy with the results, select "state: drafting" and change it to "submit for review"
  • the editors will review your suggested changes and be in touch via email if they have any questions ... otherwise they'll add your name to the "creator" or "contributor" field (as appropriate) and publish the changes so everyone can see them
Get stuck? 

Ask a question on the pleiades-community list, to which all Pleiades users are automatically subscribed.

Your Pleiades place is waiting for you!


  1. Great idea, Tom. I will suggest this as an assignment to a couple of classes I am working with this semester, and publicize as much as possible.

  2. I am thrilled to adopt a place (or two) and add data ... but I am having problems getting through to the 'edit' tab the directions mention ... I get this message:


    Insufficient Privileges

    You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, contact the site administration."

  3. Hi Jeff:

    Sorry about the problem. I've been able to duplicate it this morning and we're working on a fix. I'll post here, and email you directly, when it's fixed.


  4. The problem is fixed, and Sean has simplified the checkout process. I've modified the instructions in the main blog post to reflect this.

  5. Tom,

    How about WorldCat for books?

    I'm not sure what the preferred authority is for dead trees.
